Thursday, August 18, 2016

Goals and Shit

I am trying to prepare my mind for school. Trying to dust off the cobwebs of writing skills that have gone ignored the cobwebs of a body that has sat still for too long. It is time to wake up from the haze of depression that constantly plagues my life and try to maintain some sort of positive habits. It is time to fight the rebel inside that resists change and wants to remain stagnant. Fuck man, I have got to make some goals for myself.
Here is a short list of things I should probably get off my ass and do.
-Write more.
-Stay organized, be on time, and study hard for school.
-Do Jiu Jitsu.
-Find a way to work in mass communications.
-Maintain friendships better.
-Maintain mental health and diabetes.
-Start a podcast.
-Create art.
-Kill Hitler (Danger 5, watch it)
Okay, now that I am done talking about goals and shit, here is what I have been up to.
This summer I took a motion picture production class at Rock Valley College and got to make movies. It was a great program and I was able to get hands on in many aspects of the movie making process.
Taylor Hopkins, Jack Clark, James Hogan, Nichole Gilkerson
On the first day of class every student had to bring in a screenplay. We read all of the screenplays then voted on one script to make into an all class movie. We then split into groups of three to make a short film that would screen with the class project for our final. My script Bed Time was picked for the small group project. I wrote and directed the film, Jack Clark did cinematography, and Nate Talan edited and did sound. I was the oldest on the team by 20 years which felt a little weird but we worked well as a team and did a great job. As director, I just stuck with the film from preproduction to post. I filmed, filed and named scenes, collected sound effects, and sat in on ProTools sessions. My team worked very hard to create our film. I am proud of Bed Time and all of my cast and crew, we kind of kicked ass on our first short film.
The class was a success for me. I felt that I had a purpose and was doing something that I loved. I learned to record sound, I operated the boom mic, and was able to learn some new stuff on ProTools and Premier. I tried to dirty my hands on all the film sets by volunteering to help whenever possible. I even got to act by playing a murder victim in Jaime Perez’s short film Jonathan. It was a great experience and it made me happier than I have been in a long time.
Dead bodies everywhere.
I am bummed that the class is over but I learned a lot. Now I have to move on to new studies and keep learning. Life, school, Jiu Jitsu, writing, marriage, all of it is learning and improving. The hardest part for me is fighting through depression to stay focused long enough to take this knowledge in and improve. I am going to try to stay positive and try to make the life that I want. I know it cliché but we only live once and need to make the most out of our time alive.
I will go back to school, try to stay focused, and achieve my goals listed above. This year includes psychology, ethnic relations, math, and advanced post production. On the side, I hope to have the Hogan’s Horror podcast up and running sometime before the New Year.
Thank you, good reader. Hopefully my next writings will be less about me. I will try to post something along the lines of movies, comics, or maybe even a new short story. For now, here is a link to Bed Time.

Monday, January 18, 2016

"Edgar" by James Hogan

 This short story was my attempt at science fiction but I know nothing of science. So, it may be better to call it a future fiction tale. This is a little longer than my other shorts. Please give "Edgar" a shot if you have the time and I hope you enjoy it.

James Hogan

I live in a room with a shower, a bed that folds into the wall, and a teeny tiny little closet for my hat and jacket. There is a drawer under my wall bed filled with guns, booze, various psychoactive drugs, and the book “Small Gods” by Terry Pratchett.

I took the book from a tenement clean up. It’s rare to see bound books around these days. Most paper books have been burned for heat.

My room has no windows. There is a view screen for getting on-line and watching television. My screen saver usually projects a serene countryside painted orange, pink, and blue by a setting sun. I imagine that there are very little rural areas left because of all the damn people. I only know this city. I have never left this city.
I cherish my room. The room is equipped with killer air purification and conditioning systems. I keep it cold. Cold to where my toes feel as if they would break apart like glass if I were to knock them against something hard. I have to keep it cold because out there, in City 23, it’s always hot. Hot as the Devil’s taint, even in winter. Just so many damn people too close together. Causing a constant caustic friction that slowly burns this city.
Too early in the morning and the phone starts to ring. CAW! CAW! Why did I choose “the crows” ring tone? CAW! Every caw causes hairline fractures to spider web across my tender morning time skull. It’s time to end this cawing madness. 

“This better be good.” I grumble to my caller.

            “Let’s get to work Edgar. We’re together today you old bastard.”  Said a voice filled with youth and sarcasm.
            “What the fuck Kat? I was on late shift last night.” I protested.

            “What, pulling skanks and lifting shit off kids?” Kat said as if calling “check mate!”

I could not protest this accusation. I love the whores and I take what I want from delinquents. Beats doing paper work.

            Kat has me pegged. She is twenty-two years old and two years out of the Army. The force puts us together when her case loads overflow. Kat’s feisty with the mouth of a motor pool soldier. She’s also easy on the eyes but don’t let her catch you looking because she’s a bad ass and trained killer. I enjoy our time together despite her tendency to try and keep me in check. She’s the only non-degenerate scumfuck I have in my life.

            “Yeah, yeah, Kat. How hard is a trip to my corner?”

“No way!” She yells, a little too loud for my brain. “City 23 coffee, be there or be square. The scaffolds are down from your place to Struggle St.” 

            “Why?” I ask confused.

            “Small riot on Desperation, gang kids went after our patrol guards. Our guys cut the ramps between your place and Desperation Ave. They shot down sixteen thugs while waiting for an airlift out of that mess.” She explained. “I thought you were on the late beat Detective. You weren’t there for clean up Edgar?” Her sarcasm came through loud and clear.

            “Shut up!”

            “Okay asshole,” she replies cheerfully “I’m giving you an hour and a half to meet. Ha! Good luck amongst humanity, rubbing elbows with the cool kids. I’ll get you a coffee.”

            “Thanks kid. I’ll see you when I get there.” I say trying to sound upbeat while the pain coursing through my head betrays my tone. I always come off sounding gruff.

Humanity is a hard word for my brain to define.  Parasites, lines of ants, and hyenas tearing away at each other while trying to consume an Earth made of stone, flesh, and muscle. Everyone is poor except for the Leaders, the Creators, and the Managers. I have never seen or met a Leader or Creator but I have had run-ins with “Cash Suits” when there are problems near or in the business district. This is a rare happening, considering the Pritech guards patrol during the day; automated turrets and kill-bots watch over at night. Crime usually isn’t reported from the business district. If anything goes down there, it usually disappears quietly.

I once had a call about an automated turret misfire that took out five people. I made the scene in twelve minutes and there was nothing there except a Pritech guard stationed in front of an empty turret point. He said there was no gunfire and that the turret had been gone for repairs for two days. Nothing but a waste of time, so I left thinking of the fact that turrets are always replaced never repaired. “Cashers” can make anything or anyone disappear.

            Anxieties try to shut down my system as I ready to meet up with Kat. I am going to have to move amongst the people. Thoughts of skipping over puddles of vomit and blood are not agreeing with my motor functions. I stand frozen enjoying the air conditioning, fearing that when I leave my room it will be the same world full of the same filthy bodies I escaped yesterday. With no agenda or purpose citizens wander aimlessly until they are wedged into the flesh crevices of a pedestrian jam. 

Theft, rape, and gang violence are part of life. It seems causing grief to one another every minute of the day is the job of a stand up citizen. Why is it this way? There is nothing for people to do but survive and wait to die. There is very little work to be had. Most avoid the competition of work, seeing too many friends gain hope and shine after attaining a back breaking labor position only to have me come and investigate their murder. Murder is the highest cause of employee turnover in New City. Hell, murder is practically a sport. Wonder if the “cashers” see death every day, like we in the city do? They might, but living day to day for them must be pretty easy. They go somewhere else at six o’ clock while those of us born in New City aren’t allowed to leave.

The city is where the majority of mankind is left to rot. Millions of people piled into its walls. The cleanest part of the place is the Business district, five square miles of paved roads, silver skyscrapers, and turrets. No one from the city is allowed in the business district. Every morning at three o clock security motorcades make their way to the business district. Half an hour after they arrive, the helicopters start to come, shaking the Earth with the racket of propellers. This is followed by Pritech security taking their post. Six o’clock at night they pack up and leave until the next morning. In the meantime automated turrets and kill bots keep the citizens of New City out of the business district. 

   I throw on my coat and hat. My coat used to be a tan overcoat that now more resembles desert camouflage than anything. A couple of black streaks tarnish the sleeves and elbows.  Various stains create an optical illusion with the hues of tan. Thankfully my hat, which is a dark brown replica of hats men wore in the “Cash Age” called Fedoras, has always matched up well with the coat. I may look a mess at times but being a cop affords my weekly shower and a once a month laundry pick up. Most live an entire life showering only in summer and spring during city hose down. Unemployment rates of 72% bring an unholy stench that turns stomachs upon first whiff. The odor does not permeate my apartment but in the hallway awaits a warm up stench to mildly prepare one’s self for the main bout of human filth verses nose. Pat, one of the hall guards, says he he’ll “take the rank of the hall over the shit of the street any day”.  I love my air conditioning and wish that I would never have to leave it. 

            Until Pat and the other guards came for hallway duty it was kind of sketchy making one’s way to their room. We used to have automatic turrets. That little arrangement ended in the accidental deaths of sixty-three occupants. Now we have low level Pritech guards, one stationed to each hallway. Tenants know to have our home identification tags ready. It is our responsibility to produce it within the ten second warning time or else someone like Pat is ordered to shoot dead any unknowns. According to Pat, he’s only had to kill one “sunofa bitch” in my hallway so far. Pat is kind of a weirdo, he leans his chair against the wall and plays video games all day and sometimes he pumps his fist in the air for no reason. I think it is his red hair that protrudes from his security cap that disturbs me the most. Still, I choose Pat over the automated turret system any day of the week.

            My brain swells against sharp stalactites that booby trap my skull. I have to face the day and the people in the streets. Oh, the streets. I’m very lucky to have a room. I was an officer in the Army. I helped to clean the street with fire and brutality. As reward for my service I was guaranteed a room with air and purification for as long as I live. Most paying jobs in New City are City Law Enforcement and Pritech Security. I chose to be a New City cop. I face a lot of death and other ugliness but I don’t have to kill as much. Pritech does street sweep twice a month. They enter what is believed to be a high violation neighborhood half block and exterminate any living thing on the streets. I’ve heard of sweeps taking over fifty thousand lives.  I know this because afterwards I always get called to lead the investigations to show the justification for Pritech's blood parades. At least I’m not the one doing all the killing anymore. All I want is less blood on my hands and a kick ass air conditioning system.

            I have no idea how anyone makes it in the alleys, on six foot by six foot squares claimed and fought for daily. A family of three kept a square out front for five years. That had to be a record. Now the spot occupies a fat man with no shirt that seems to have tired from making snow angels on the concrete. I should probably check to see if he’s alive when I go out today. I hate the streets because I have a room. I have a room with air.

            How will I face this day? Will my head explode before I make it out the door?
            Besides the horrid aromas of street, nothing comes as much of a shock anymore. Initiation into gangs for example, kids are dispatching any living family members to show loyalty to their new crime family. Theft is a sport. I do not know one person that has not been robbed. And prostitution sadly, can start as young as birth. I once walked up on a mother negotiating prices with two men on her new born. That day didn’t end well. I shot all four of them. The newborn would have been eaten or worse. Street living is rough.

            The street population does what it can through trade. There’s not a whole lot I’d want off the street, maybe a new hat at some point. There are barbers; they will cut hair and whatever is in it. The “ratmen” will trade rat meat and hide, for fabric and bait. Countless shoe boxes filled with insect’s line the curbs. They are watched over diligently by the gang kids who are paid six crickets each for their protection of the bugs. Insects are one of the streets main food trades but there are other options.

            Those of us on the force get our food bars and drinking water at the station. The city tries to get monthly food rations to the citizens. This usually ends up in chaos and riots. The food stations pick up and leave, while Pritech and kill-bots arrive to shoot the disgruntled.  Most of the rationed food that gets out on the market is traded for acts of crime, sex, drugs, or “long pig.”

            Eating human is a repulsive thought. I do not partake myself, but the smell of “long pig” barbeques on the street beats out most other scents I encounter. It’s common practice that when a street pack has a family member pass, they immediately clean the corpse to keep the meat as fresh as possible. Then most of the meat is traded off after a memorial party. At these memorials, song, laughter and the smell of human barbeque fill the night air. It’s horrifying when city blocks are cleansed of “Rage Disease”. It is caused by the consumption of human brain. This whole damn city is a nightmare. Suffering has been normality as long as I can remember but there is still a reptilian part of the human spirit that knows none of this is right. How can I face another day?


My first thought is “Oh shit, crows!” then realize it’s just my dumb phone. New waves of pain course through my head. I answer.

            “Edgar?” It’s Kat and I pause realizing that I still have to face the day. “Edgar? Earth to Edgar, come in!”

“Yeah Kat” I answer lazily knowing that my focus for the day has changed from work to air conditioning.

“It’s been two hours Edgar! Where the hell are you?” Kat ask sounding more than frustrated. If she only knew that my head was heading towards the final ten seconds of detonation she would keep her voice down. “Are you getting close E?”

            “I can’t do it” I whisper reluctantly “I just can’t do it, I’m not coming in Kat.” I wait through an uncomfortable silence knowing I should have turned the volume down on my phone.

“No! No, no, no, no!” Her screaming causes my brain to bleed pain through my temples and eyeballs. “Not today jerkass, you can’t do this to me today.”

I can hear her breathing heavily like a pacing caged tiger on the other end of the line, in wait for my response. I just want my head to stop throbbing so I stay silent and wait for another explosion of sound from her end.

“Why?” she asks. I was expecting a lot more than one word to spill from her mouth. Let’s see how the rest of this goes.

“My brain hurts.” I respond.

            What? Ha! You are such a dick Edgar Q. Lynch! It’s madness out here and tons of work to be done. I can’t scrape away the filth without my partner. My pussy partner, that can’t make it to work today because his goddamned brain hurts”!

“I’m pretty sure it’s bleeding.” I interject.

“Shut up cock gerbil! You know the cases will just keep building up. I need your help today. Edgar please, get your ass down here so we can work.” Kat sounds exhausted. 

“If today were tomorrow or yesterday Kat, I would hear the exact same lines from you. I need today Kat. I promise that in the morning there will be more murders, crime, and strife. All the ugliness will be piled in an angry heaving mass just waiting for us to take it on. I promise that there will be so much ugliness for us that every mirror in the city will break! Just give me today Kat. Please.” She leaves me hanging for a minute so I awkwardly yell into the line “Fuck mankind today! We will serve them better tomorrow!”

            “Edgar?  You still there?” Kat asks.

“Yeah Kat, I am.”

 “Does your brain still hurt?” she asks with actual concern.

“After talking with you my friend, it hurts more than ever.” I reply
“Ha!” She laughs. I like to know she’s smiling.

“Kat this world just gets to be too much. We deal with it on the streets and in our minds. Today it has just became too much. Understand?”

“Yeah boss I do.” Kat whispers.

“Cool.” I say.

“Edgar,” Kat says. I can hear the volume rising in her voice again.
“Yeah Kat?” I ask.

“Have a great day and enjoy your air conditioning!”

“Thanks kiddo will do.” I hang up, take a deep breath of purified air and prepare to enjoy my one luxury. Until I wake up tomorrow.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Blog Status Update

I started college at the age of forty. I am forty-one now.

Fuck that is a lot of years. I am half-way to dead.

I quit a job of nine years to go back to school, as a means of getting away from grueling factory work. My life’s work had been hard labor and I tired of it. 

My plan was to get an associate’s degree in liberal arts within two years. I stumbled across some mass communication classes and decided to try for a mass communications certificate as well. The two year plan now looks to be three to four years until completion.

Lately I have felt lost and unsure about my decision of going to school. My greatest discouragement is that I feel there is no more time to actually become a success at living life. Why am I even trying? What will I do when this (school) is done?

A new semester is starting and I am loaded with classes. It is time to soak in the knowledge and hopefully succeed at learning.

My blogs will be sporadic because my time will be sparse due to school. I do plan on throwing up a new short story within the month. It is a dystopian sci-fi tale called “Edgar”.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


One of our first assignments in writing for mass communication (COM 140) was to write our own obituary.  I was able to delve into imagination because we did not have to limit ourselves to a realistic end.

This is my first obituary and I think it is a fun one. Enjoy.

Art by Edward Gorey that reminds me of death.

                                                                                                                                             James Byron Hogan, self-help author, died on Thursday in Colorado. He was 98.
He died at 7:18pm in his home from to asphyxiation after choking on a piece of chicken. This was confirmed by his publicist Abigail Holland who said, “Trixie recorded the whole ordeal. He started choking on his chicken and before Trixie could get to him, he was gone”. Trixie is one of Mr. Hogan’s Android wives.
Mr. Hogan was loved by both humans and androids.

James Hogan wrote horror fiction for many years. He accumulated over one hundred short stories, and nine novels. James did not start writing until he was 40. His two great works of non-fiction How to Love Your Android, So That It Seems to Love You Back, and  Sex, Your Robot, and You were both written after the XX Virus of 2032 wiped out more than a quarter of Earths female population.  

After the plague Hogan went into seclusion, not to be heard from again until 2043, shortly after the AI generation took hold of the world. He told the world that he had been living a satisfactory life in the mountains of Colorado, with three androids. He said that he would let the world in on his secrets of maintaining healthy relationships with their robots. He kept his promise and changed the world. His books on human and android relations were therapeutic for a lonely new world.

James was born a free man in Louisville Kentucky and moved to Rockford Illinois.

James married Kathleen Amy Farney in Las Vegas, August 12, 2000. Several Elvis impersonators witnessed the ceremony. They were happily married until Katy was taken by XXV in 2033.

After the XX Virus, and the A.I. generation boomed, James moved to Colorado to live in seclusion. There he accumulated three androids that would change his life. Jane, Trixie, and Carl were equipped with evolutionary A.I. and they became his new family. James stayed aware of his interaction and relationship with his new family and he wrote about his experiences. Americans related and praised James for his honest writing.

James started his professional career working in factories. He spent three years in the United States Army where he worked as a mechanic. At age 40 he enrolled in college. There he decided to write fiction. For many years after college he wrote a steady stream of horror fiction. His early works never became popular with the public but allowed him a comfortable life with Katy.

Hogan is survived by his two android wives Jane and Trixie, and his android son Carl. All three are 2K3281C models and will be working top download Hogan’s memory data into a new android vessel.
There will be an online memorial starting this Friday through Monday and will be hosted by the Human/Android Alliance at Mr. Hogan donated his physical remains to the Feed America Group.
An inspiration to man and actual king of the robots. (1920-1992)